If you are sending in a paper self assessment tax return for the 2014-2015 tax year, then it must reach HM Revenue & Customs by Saturday 31 October 2015.
If your tax return is received late, then you will have to pay a penalty, even if you have paid your tax on time, or owe no tax. The penalty is a minimum of £100 – and the later you submit, the higher the fine.
If you complete your self assessment tax return online, then you get an extra 3 months to complete it. The deadline for online tax returns is 31 January 2016.
If you have lost the tax return that you were sent by HM Revenue & Customs then you can download replacement forms on the HMRC website. You will need to have your 10 digit tax reference number to put on the form – you should be able to find this on any self assessment letters you have been sent.
Alternatively, you can submit your tax return online
Online filing is secure, convenient, and quick. You get an acknowledgement from HMRC when your tax return has been received (you don’t get this when submitting a paper form).
Your tax is worked out for you automatically so you know how much you owe, or how much you will be repaid, straight away. Its also easier to complete – instead of having to wade through a thick paper form, the online form asks you simple questions and guides you to the sections which you need to complete.
And, of course, you get an extra 3 months to get it done.
How to register to submit your tax return online
You will first need to register for online government services and sign up for Self Assessment Online.
You then need to activate your account once you have received a code sent to your home address. The activation code will be sent to you within seven working days – so make sure you leave enough time.
You will need to have your Unique Taxpayer Reference number which should be on any letters you get from HMRC, and either your postcode or your National Insurance number.
Need help?
If you are worried about getting your tax return done on time, then contact me – I offer a free no obligation consultation, so we can chat about the best approach for you.