by Georgi Rollings | 29th April 2012 | Sole trader, Start ups
Its been one of those days. I recently took on a lovely client who engaged me to get her tax affairs back up to date, and I’ve been working on her sole trader accounts and tax comp for a couple of weeks now. Today was the day that we discussed and agreed her...
by Georgi Rollings | 22nd April 2012 | Directors, Limited company, Sole trader, Start ups
A lot of people know that it can be more tax efficient to run your business through a company instead of as a sole trader. However, it isn’t a step that should be taken lightly. One thing a lot of small business owners don’t know much about is what their...
by Georgi Rollings | 15th April 2012 | Accounting, Self assessment, Sole trader, Start ups
You’ve recently started your own business as a sole trader. You are worried that you don’t know what you don’t know – but there is no way that you can justify expensive accountants fees until you are making a bigger profit. What can you do to...
by Georgi Rollings | 7th April 2012 | Self assessment, Sole trader, Start ups, Working from home
If you make money through your blog then you need to look carefully at the tax implications. I wrote a 5 part guest blog series for BritMums which went through: Is your blog a trade (i.e. taxable) or a hobby What expenses are tax deductible Working from home What...
by Georgi Rollings | 1st April 2012 | Sole trader, Start ups, Women in business, Working from home
Recently I’ve found myself in the happy situation of having too much work. I’m very definitely not complaining, but in some ways its been getting a bit much! I spend far too many evenings locked in my office with a bar of chocolate, and far too little...