Welcome to Starfish Accounting’s first ever blog! My name is Georgina Rollings, and I created Starfish Accounting earlier this year to provide accounting services and support to help small businesses and start ups.
I’m a Chartered Accountant with 15 years accounting experience. I started as a public accountant at Deloitte & Touche in London in 1996, transferring to their San Jose office in California in 2000 where I worked with Silicon Valley start up companies, and back to the UK in 2003. I then worked in a variety of roles at two big corporations up until the birth of my twin girls last year.
Starfish Accounting
My big personal breakthrough came when we were looking at childcare options towards the end of my maternity leave. Like many other families out there we decided the best option for us was for me to stay at home with my girls, and look at working from home in the evenings (and whenever else I can squeeze it in…).
I realised I was in a good position to set up an accounting firm through which I could help other mums (and dads!) in business. I provide accounting, tax and bookkeeping services, together with business advice, which ensure compliance and help to drive profitability. I find it incredibly satisfying to help people to create order from chaos, and believe that a good accountant should save their clients more money than they cost.
Why have I started this blog?
This is my forum to share useful information, tips, and advice, and to connect with other business owners, with the minimum of accounting jargon. Initially I will blog once a week, which I hope is achievable with my other commitments. Please post comments – I will respond as soon as I can.
Accounting is often viewed as a scary subject. However with good information at your fingertips you can do a lot yourself. Staying on top of your numbers is vitally important to understanding your business, and I am here to help you to do exactly that.
Where can you find me?
As well as this website, Starfish Accounting is on twitter @StarfishAcc and on FaceBook.
What can I do for you?
What would you like to know? Do you have any burning accounting questions? If you do then let me know and I will try to work them into future blogs.