by Juliet Wylie | 16th March 2022 | Bookkeeping, Limited company, Start ups, Tips and Tricks, Xero
We all do it. We wake up every day full of good intentions. “I am going to reconcile my Xero account” we think. “I will submit that paperwork to my accountant” we promise ourselves. Then reality sinks in. You know that you won’t do it again today, just like you didn’t...
by Caroline Young | 7th August 2021 | Bookkeeping, Limited company
Your business year end is an important date to be aware of. All limited companies have their own ‘financial year’ initially set in relation to when the company was formed. Although deadlines for filing the company accounts, tax returns and payment of corporation tax...
by Jennifer Grocott | 10th April 2021 | Bookkeeping, Limited company, Tips and Tricks, Xero
Setting up multiple payment methods in Xero is a major quick win. Offering different payment methods makes it easier for people to pay you, and it’s actually really easy to do using Xero online payment services. Getting paid fast can really help put a business...
by Jennifer Grocott | 30th December 2020 | Bookkeeping, Limited company, Sole trader, Start ups, Tips and Tricks, Xero
Rather than a necessary evil, bookkeeping is vital to the success of your business. You’ve chosen Xero because you know having the best technology on your side is going to make it far easier on you to get the bookkeeping done and see that success faster. In the past,...
by Jennifer Grocott | 16th October 2020 | Bookkeeping, Limited company, Tips and Tricks
Keeping on top of your bookkeeping can be a time consuming and stressful activity when you’re doing it yourself and running your business too. To break down the job title – ‘Bookkeeping’ is the practise of recording and tracking the financial transactions of a...