Setting up multiple payment methods in Xero is a major quick win. Offering different payment methods makes it easier for people to pay you, and it’s actually really easy to do using Xero online payment services.
Getting paid fast can really help put a business owner’s mind at rest. You have overheads to cover, taxes to pay and hopefully a wage to pay yourself. Your goal is make it as easy as possible for people to pay you so you can keep your cash flow on track. Plus, if you’re doing the bookkeeping (or you’re working with a bookkeeper) online invoicing is a godsend.
Create happier customers by letting them pay instantly
When you move your invoices online it’s far easier to keep track of incoming payments, and all the manual hassle is taken out of getting paid.
When you sign up with one of Xero’s supported payment services, customers and clients can select the payment link on your invoices and make a direct payment instantly online using their credit card or Paypal.
You’ll know from ordering things online, it has become the norm to be able to make a purchase or settle a payment at the touch of a button.
Be a happier bookkeeper and spend less time processing payments
As bookkeepers ourselves, we see the same stresses with invoices that are settled via bank transfer. So often the invoice reference is missing or the wrong amount is transferred, causing the process of reconciliation to become arduous and time consuming.
When using the online payment service, the payment will automatically be created in Xero ready for reconciliation as soon as the transaction appears in the bank feed. The invoice will then show as paid.
When you sign up you nominate which bank account you would like payments to be deposited into. You will also be given all the details you need to link the payment service up to Xero.
The payment options you wish to offer on your invoices may vary by customer
In Xero you can set up multiple invoice branding themes and choose any one or all three of the following supported payment services.
PayPal – you can accept credit cards, debit cards and PayPal payments in over 20 currencies. You can upgrade your personal Paypal account to a business account for free during the set up in Xero.
GoCardless – get paid on time using a direct debit process rather than credit card payments. The payments can be a one-off or recurring.
Stripe – when you add Stripe, Apple Pay is also added as a payment option for online invoices. You can accept credit and debit card payments. Your customer doesn’t need a Stripe account. You can accept payments from anywhere in the world, and receive payments in the currency of your bank account.
All of these payment methods are subject to transaction fees from the provider.
The good news is, all of these three payment services are great, and will dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of your payments.
Even better news is, you’re not just limited to these payment services. If you already use a payment service that doesn’t officially integrate with Xero you can get a custom URL from your service provider. The custom URL allows you to apply the payment service to a branding theme so you can accept online payments.
Your customers don’t need a Xero account to view the invoice and pay via the payment service
Once your invoices are set up in Xero you can email the invoice to your customer, no drama. You’ll be making the payment experience better for them, and you’re more likely to get paid on time. This can go a long way to making your cash flow more reliable and reducing all those worries that come with waiting on payments, and chasing invoices.
If you would like to know more about online invoice payment methods or require some assistance in setting them up, please feel free to ask us! There are no silly questions here.
We loved this picture from Age Barros harking back to making payments in a simpler time.